Native English’s Tips on Learning English

Native English’s tips on Learning English

This is a list of ways you can improve your English. Of course, not every tip will work for you – it will depend on your learning style.

  • Accept that learning a language is a long process. There is no easy way, no magical method to learn 4 times faster. You need to accept that you will make mistakes on the way to becoming better.
  • Set yourself clear and realistic targets. For example, ‘This semester I’m going to focus in particular on my speaking and ask my teacher to help me with my pronunciation.’
  • Remember that you will learn best when you are relaxed and enthusiastic: it’s very difficult to learn a language if you are tired, busy, stressed or under pressure to learn. You need to make time to learn and try to enjoy it as much as possible.
  • Have lessons with a qualified teacher who can correct you and give advice on how to improve.
  • Be consistent and systematic in your learning: try not to miss lessons, do your homework, revise vocabulary and test yourself at home.
  • Try to use English as much as possible, both in lessons and outside the classroom.
  • Try practising the language in your head, e.g. repeating phrases from class, films, etc.
  • Learn vocabulary in context. A list of 50 unrelated words will not stay in your memory. 10 words or phrases connected in one context will be easy to learn.
  • Try to get as much regular contact with English in your life. Read English texts (news sites, magazines, novels etc.).
  • Use an old-school notebook to record words and phrases that come up in lessons and that you come across when doing homework.
  • Pursue your interests in English – if you are interested in stamp collecting or dog training, then read about it in English.
  • Visit Englishlanguage websites in addition to (or rather than) Polish language ones. Try highlighting a paragraph of the text and click right to go to Google Translate to see the English. This can help with vocabulary building.
  • Use English subtitles on Netflix. Be careful with the English subtitles on YouTube – they are often no checked and are actually wrong.


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